Wednesday 21 May 2014


Post: #1

SQL injection : X-forwarded-for

Requirements :
  • Site that use X-forwarded-for
  • Basic knowledge with SQLi (string based)
  • Live HTTP headers

Introduction :

X-forwarded-for is often use to get the ip of user even though he uses a proxy.
Example and explanation : 

PHP Code:
function getip()
    if (isset(

This code create an ip variable with the real ip.

PHP Code:
    if (preg_match("#^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}#",$ip))

This code check if it's real ip but this code is vulnerable, why ?

Because a regex has a beginning and a end. The beginning delimiter is ^ and the ending delimiter is $, note that the $ is missing. So the regex check only the beginning of the ip. If your ip is127.0.0.1 the regex will send back true but if your ip is 127.0.01+whateveryouwant the regex will send back true too.

PHP code that is vulnerable :

PHP Code:
$req mysql_query("SELECT username,password FROM admin WHERE username='".sql($_POST['username'])."' AND password='".md5($_POST['password'])."' AND ip='".getip()."'"); 


First open Live HTTP headers then actualize the page :

[Image: 873830http1.png]

Note that the injection will be a string based.

Now click on the url then click on replay and add :


[Image: 317006http2.png]

Then add a quote after your ip address and a nice error like that will be displayed : 

[Image: 953087sql1.png]

And now do your injection like string based, the most important thing is that you have to understand that the injection point is your ip in X-forwarded.

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